Rules and regulations
The competition follows general rules for Triathlon set by the Norwegian Triathlon Federation (NTF). All participants are obliged to familiarize themselves with the competition rules (in Norwegian).
Categories are according to the Norwegian Triathlon Federation rules and regulations.
License/ NTF Membership
Oslo Triathlon is a Norwegian Triathlon Federation sanctioned event: All participants are required to have either a membership from their national triathlon federation or to purchase a one day NTF Event license. Read more about the license and prices here (in Norwegian).
Race pack
Your race pack may be picked-up Thursday and Friday during race week at between 09:00 and 19:00 hrs at
Braasport Ullevaal
Sognsveien 75
0855 Oslo
Ph. 22 23 00 33
Nearest stops for public transport are:
Ullevål Stadion Metro or Bus
Nearest parking facility is Ullevål Stadion, there is 1h free parking in the sublevel parking garage.
It will also be possible to pick up your start number at the secretariat on race day August 10th between 06:30 AM and up to 1 hour before start. No start numbers will be handed out after this time.
The start number envelope contains a race BIB number (please fill in your emergency information on the back side), race sticker set, temporary tattoos, timing chip w/velcro band and swim cap.
PLEASE NOTE! : The timing chip is the athlete’s responsibility. Timing chip should be delivered immediately after finishing. If you bring the chip home, you must send it quickly and within 3 days to:
RaceTracker AS
Øvre Lundenvei 12
3215 Sandefjord
Chips not returned will be billed NOK 500.
All participants are provided with a swim cap, which must be used. Own swim cap / neoprene cap can be used under this. Wet suits are allowed if the water temperature is below 22 degrees, and highly recommended if the water temperature is below 18 degrees and for anyone who is not a skilled swimmer. Expected water temperature is between 16 – 19 ºC.
The swimming arena is a course of 750 meters, where you round with the buoys on your left side (i.e. you swim anticlockwise), marked sprint-distance. After swimming, one runs up to the transition zone for changing. Swimming is monitored by guards on land, from kayaks and boats with rescue swimmers.
The cycle route leaves the transition zone, takes Sognsveien to the roundabout and onto
Carl Kjelsens vei, then left up Maridalsveien. The route continues to Skar in Maridalen,
where it turns and returns back to the transition zone along the same route. You can freely choose your bike type. Helmet is mandatory.
Drafting is not allowed: You must be at least 10 meters behind the bike in front or pass other participants within 20 seconds. Violation of the rules may result in disqualification.
After mountline, there are 500 meters of narrow path with oncoming cyclists before entering Sognsveien. This is a NO-PASS zone (overtaking should be avoided).